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Joy, the ultimate drive

By teaching them a position (to meditate) we initiate in them a disposition (to connect).

April 28, 2019


More and more people, fellow citizens of the global village, members of the human brotherhood, are expressing their hunger to access a new state of awareness where they could regenerate themselves by connecting to the breath of life… They know the transformation has to come from within, they don’t know how to activate it, they hope the wisdom of our forefathers is not lost and that the path is still open.

They want to learn a way to free their mind, silence their thoughts and access the inner source of joy. They don’t know that this call is the one of their Spirit because a link is missing...


Let’s crack the nutshell, let’s regenerate the missing link!
Let’s bring a living cell to life to carry the 3F mission:

  • Find the access point for their understanding
  • Feed their desire for the pursuit of joy
  • Fulfill their need for knowing the how

Do you want to be part of the journey? Are you ready to dig into the depth with a posture of lightness and delicacy?

  • Why - Because one has to know oneself before to be able to connect to one Self.
  • How - By teaching a position to meditate without effort and to open the joyful door of thoughtless awareness.
  • What - A working cell, exploring the possibilities, building the combinations of tools and methods, creating the conditions for success.

Are you in?

Let’s take the time to meet. Let’s listen to our hearts and make sure we share the same beliefs and aspirations. Let’s co-design the steps of our research and experimentation program.

Drop an email to and share your intentions.

Project definition

Three parallel activities will be run:

  • Think tank - The point is to elaborate and deliver concept & knowledge, the ones that are necessary & sufficient to make our offer understandable and appealing.
  • Do tank - The point is to go on the field, to practice and validate our intuitions and inspirations. It is by listening to the other that we will progress and refine our offer.
  • Share tank - The point is to be regularly in contact, to enrich our experiences by sharing them with other members of the cell, to start with, and then to enlarge the audience.